Contacts and details

Contacts for communication

You can contact us in any convenient way, please call directly to the office of Shakhovskoy Jewellery House

+7 (926) 619-49-65

Or send an e-mail to

Name of the organization: LLC “SHAKHOVSKOY JUVELIRNY DOM”

General Director: Vsevolod Yuryevich Bolshakov

Legal address: Moscow region, Dolgoprudny, 3-th Moskovsky proezd, d.4

Address of jewellery Design Studio “Shakhovskoy”: Moscow, Prospekt Mira d. 119 p. 318, "Art. Technograd", Metro Station Ulitsa Sergei Eisenstein.

1 more address where jewelry is presented: Moscow, Tverskaya street 22.

INN/ORN: 7 719 760 684 / 1 107 746 796 948